Enumma exists to inspire
and amplify authenticity in music and in life

It’s more than a shared passion for music that binds us together.
What makes Enumma special is how we encourage and honor each other’s true sound and calling in music and beyond.

How it all began

David and Mauricio first met when they joined the founding team at Nébula Financiera, a Mexican fintech company offering personal loans through a crowdsourced network of independent community agents.

David, a long-time musician and music enthusiast himself, came up with the initial idea for Enumma after reading a blog post by Vitalik Buterin, inventor of Ethereum, in which Vitalik highlighted the potential for socioeconomic systems, such as quadratic funding, to foster the creation of public goods.

When David shared the idea with Mauricio, Mauricio immediately became excited and helped David refine it. But their enthusiasm ran much deeper than that.

David and Mauricio realized they held an uncommon belief that could be the basis for a worthy entrepreneurial pursuit: that the apparent demise of music, arts and culture in our world is not inevitable—to the contrary, humanity will bring forth a new renaissance, one that will be cherished by generations to come.

They realized, however, that, to get there, individuals everywhere would need higher self-awareness, and plenty of encouragement to pursue their truest, most authentic selves.
And so, after Nébula Financiera integrated with a larger lending institution, David and Mauricio decided the time had come to make a turn and jointly pursue their dream of building their own company—one that would drive meaningful change in the world and transcend them.

They came up with the name Enumma—a play on Enūma Eliš, the title of the Babylonian creation myth, which also has glimmers of the word “numen”—so as to signify the spirit of creation: the beat that inspires and amplifies authenticity in music and in life, and animates rhythm and awe.

It was the start of something great—something different and familiar at the same time. This time they would be founders, and they would apply the many lessons learned in their prior roles to shape an outstanding culture. But as they had done before, they would constantly encourage each other to explore new frontiers and level up both personally and professionally.

With a demonstrated commitment to a grand purpose, and the right leadership, product development, and business skills, they would champion a winning team and partner with world-class investors to seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Meet the Enummakis

David Barrera

CoFounder & CEO

Mauricio Murga

CoFounder & CTO

Andrés Zablah


Daniel Calvo

Product Design

Eduardo Carrillo

Frontend Development

Alessandra Gálvez

Production Management

Clemente Castillo

Creative Director

David Barrera

CoFounder & CEO

Mauricio Murga

CoFounder & CTO

Andrés Zablah


Daniel Calvo

Product Design

Eduardo Carrillo

Frontend Development

Alessandra Gálvez

Production Management

Clemente Castillo

Creative Director

How we jam

We beat fully
in the now

We wholeheartedly embrace the present because the present is all we ever have. We can learn from the past and bargain with the future, but we can do so only in the now. We are not held back by what came before, nor mesmerized by what could come to pass. Instead, we immerse ourselves in the flow of life. By being mindful of ourselves and each other, we can drive the change we want in the world.

We rock
by design

Our achievements are not a function of brute force, but the result of the strategic choices we make and deliberate actions we take. We don’t fall into the trap of desperately trying to accomplish many competing goals at once and then having to make sacrifices on the margins by default. Instead, at any given time, we focus our energy and resources on accomplishing the few complementary goals that are most essential to our mission. And rather than forcing execution, we make sure we set the stage for remarkable success with the right systems, methodologies and metrics, which not only generate tremendous momentum, but also encourage exploration and creativity where warranted. By being strategically focused and process-oriented, we give ourselves the opportunity to really shine.

We perform
in unison

We’re a philharmonic orchestra with a symphonic mission. Naturally, then, our contributions are meant to fulfill their ultimate purpose only in relation to the whole. And while each of us is vital, not one of us alone is sufficient. We depend on each other and we can only progress towards our higher purpose together—one measure at a time. That is why we act in synchrony: with shared goals, clear roles and superb coordination.

We play
our hearts out

When we hit the stage, we give ourselves fully—from the inside out—to each other and to our crowd. No matter whose riffs make it to the mix, we all play with immense energy and enthusiasm. Not for anyone’s glory, but for the good of the band—and, more importantly, to delight the audience we are devoted to. Because we go all in together, we always have a blast.

We amplify
each other

In our band, magic happens when we mix, match and collide: when we recognize our common humanity; when we open ourselves up; when we seek each other out; when we share our desires; when we reveal our struggles; when we’re kind to each other; when we listen and speak with compassion; when we find in each other a source of inspiration; when we give each other strength; when we normalize failure as part of growth; when we lift each other up; when we encourage creative tension; when we cherish each other’s opinions; when we enjoy our differences; when we push forward together; when we celebrate our victories.

We harmonize

Always and everywhere, we are animated by a deeply held belief that we are meant to live our lives fully: with true purpose and a sense of wholeness in everything we do. Our shared mission is only worth pursuing because it nurtures our very souls. What we do together is consistent with our beliefs and aspirations. But to succeed, we must keep our common project in good balance with the rest of our endeavors, which partake in shaping who we are, who we become and what we leave behind. That is why we honor and encourage physical, mental and spiritual nourishment.

Keeping the beat

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